What we did for Veteran's Day.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
I hope that you are having a Great Whatever Friday.
I hope you had a good and safe Veteran's Day.
2015 James Leon Chambler,( Vietnam War Vet) & Olive Relaxing on Veteran's Day. | | |
While we left the old man at home with Olive, Baby sitting him.
We headed to town to see the Parade.
My daughter had been after me for days to make sure to check her out of school, before the Parade. Which worked well for me since I put a camera in her hand and told her to take pictures. So between the both of us we got some good pictures.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
She is getting so good at taking pictures that I was having a hard time telling who took the pictures.
We knew they were getting ready to start the Parade cause the cops were out and about blocking traffic for the Parade.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
We picked the wrong spot to be up close to the Honor Guard doing their Rifle Salute. Which was done in front of the High School.
What we did for Veteran's Day. Rifle Honor Guard. |
Getting a little ahead of myself.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
As you can see there was a few things in front of the Honor Guard.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
This guys was riding on top of the Fire Truck.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
I was busy taking pictures of the Honor Guard Marching that I wouldn't of gotten this picture if it hadn't been for my daughter. I did try to get one of them but it was out of focus.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
Here is another one of the pictures she took. You can see by the banner the boys were carrying that the wind was blowing pretty hard.
What we did for Veteran's Day. The Riderless Horse. |
The Riderless Horse is a symbol that honors the fallen soldiers but for me it also reminds me of all the animals that have been in the military as well. He was close to the beginning of the Parade.
What we did for Veteran's Day. Ollie Aaron Lowrance, WWII. |
There was a few World War II Veteran's in the Parade.
What we did for Veteran's Day. Bod Seward, WWII. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
Well that is the end of the pictures we took at the 2015 Veteran's Day Parade, in Sulphur, Oklahoma.
What we did for Veteran's Day. |
Hope you are having a Great Whatever Friday.
Hope you have an even Greater Weekend.
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